Get popups about phone calls, sms and more right on your desktop! Show notifications using Growl for Mac or Growl for Windows or any other program compatible with the GNTP protocol. Copy notification descriptions to clipboard. Execute custom commands when notifications arrive.
Main features:
- Windows XP or better support
- Linux support
- Mac OSX support
- 32 and 64 bit support
- Receive notifications via Wifi
- Receive notifications via Bluetooth
- Show notifications using system default balloons
- Show notifications using Growl for Mac or Growl for Windows or any other program compatible with the GNTP protocol
- Show notifications using libnotify (Linux only)
- Device pairing
- Windows installer
- Linux deb and rpm packages with dependencies for java, bluetooth and libnotify
- Mac OSX dmg images
- Windows "run at login" support
- Copy notification descriptions to clipboard
- Execute custom commands when notifications arrive